Saturday, July 4, 2009

Updated Post: 4th of July Celebration Ride

Happy Independence Day !!!

"Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thes 1:2

(left to right: Jimmy, Patsy, Michael, Ron, Todd and Ray)
We had a great ride this morning. We missed all of you Tucson IC3'ers that could not make it. Starting at 6:00am we were blessed with a nice overcast which kept the temperatures down to the 70's. Afterward as promised we went to AJ's for a well deserved breakfast and some wonderful time of fellowship.


Come join us celebrating the early morning of the 4th of July with an early morning road ride. We are planning to meet at 6am with the anticipation to be done by 8am so that we can enjoy some time of fellowship by having breakfast at AJ's at the La Encantada Mall. Yes, AJ's is open and has a delicious selection of breakfast items.

Let's celebrate our freedom in this country and remember what sacrifice was need for us to enjoy this time of fellowship. And let us also remember that all this was inspired by the grace our Heavenly Father shows us and the sacrifice our LORD Jesus Christ gave to us so that we can be reconciled to our Heavenly Father.

Celebrate the Freedom He gave us.

When: Sat. July 4th
Where: AJ's at 6am
What are we doing? Ride for about 2 hours (or 20-36 miles) and have breakfast afterwards at AJ's

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