Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ride For Hope in Phoenix

On Monday, Debbie from Fellowship Of Christian Athletes and I met some of the riders from the "Ride For Hope" about 45 miles west of Phoenix and rode quite a distance with them toward the host church in Tempe. The late afternoon temperature was above 100 F. We had a great time on the ride. As we neared Tempe it was obvious the time got away from us and we needed to be at the host church by 6pm for a dinner and ministry presentation. The SAG vehicles came to the rescue. The meal was great and the presentation was way cool. Got back to Tucson near 11:30pm.

Interestingly, one of the riders ran over a metal shard which punctured the tire tread and sidewall so badly that the "o'le dollar bill liner trick" would not work. Tire and tube replaced, we continued. Their progress was updated on the KLOVE radio network. There were some honks from motorists along the way. Those drivers must have been listening on their car radio to KLOVE. The honking certainly had nothing to do with my perfect cycling form. Tuesday's route takes them toward New Mexico and cooler temperatures. Hopefully the Arizona fires won't interfere with their travel. Jim Ulmer

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