In preparation, we did a training ride from Sierra Vista to Bisbee through Mule Pass and back to Sierra Vista in August. Robert Fleckenstein, our Certified USA Cycling Level II Coach and a USA Cycling Certified Power-Based Trainer, is leading 2 rides every week until the race. Those rides are short but furious. One comment from Robert was "Can we suffer like HE did?" And of course we are not able to suffer like our faithful Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we find strength and comfort and through whom we are able to make our petitions know to our Heavenly Father. Praise be to HIM alone !!!
Besides those rides, we have our regular scheduled East, NW and Mid-town Saturday rides. Please join us in preparation for either the Cochise Classic or even El Tour de Tucson. It's going to be here in no time.
"The LORD bless you and keep you
The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace"
Numbers 6:24-26